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Let's Get Started, We Will Create a Website!

7th Week - We will create a website!

Bonjour Learnivores, hope you are okay! I am fine. This week has been busy as I had some final assignments already. That is also the reason why this blog post is late. Let's start!
As I indicated before, the training part is over and this week we started planning our website outlines and discussing ideas. The first step was to decide on the topic of the website which was the hardest for me. We thought about it before but it was not that serious. In this week we did some research to find the most influential developments or factors that will shape the future of ELT as a group. After that, we had a meeting on Zoom to discuss and brainstorm the ideas that could be the main topic of our website. To be honest, not all of us were fully prepared, and also we were not sure if the topics we had considered were suitable for the aim. We were not sure if it was too comprehensive or too specific. So, we decided to consult our instructor. We had thought about two main topics in general, technology use in language learning and teaching English as an International Language. We thought about sub-topics to include on the website.
She helped us to elaborate on our topics and choose one of them. Also, another group of friends has chosen a topic related to EIL, so we thought that the variety would be better. Finally, we decided on 'Technology Use in Language Learning'. We did another meeting to list some sub-topics and revise the project task and requirements. We talked about what to do next week and how will topics be shared.
Besides deciding on the topic and planning the outline we needed to do some organization to follow responsibilities, to prepare the outline, and share everything with members and our instructor. We shared some every-week responsibilities like updating the mindmap and to-do-list etc. 
Other than all the tasks, I was a bit afraid about all the planning and creating a website. Everything was looking so big and not very possible. But after we started planning everything, we said 'why not'. We just need to organize it properly. Another significant point I learned this week was that if everyone isn't motivated at a similar level, it is the worst thing that can happen to group work. That's why I think being flexible and adapting to your teammates is an important skill. 


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